Monday, January 5, 2015


So, this is my first blog post on my first blog. I'll warn you now, I have no concrete reason for starting this and have no idea what I could possibly write about. I have no information, knowledge, or wisdom to impart. Prepare to be bored to tears.

I guess I'll start with a quick introduction. My name is Gibbet (no, not really... what would be the point of making an anonymous blog if I used my real name? Sheesh) and I'm a 40-something-single-for-seven-years mother of two (yes, really... what would be the point of lying in an anonymous blog? Double sheesh). I work in an office and run the shipping department. Well, I guess that pretty much sums me up. Wow, I am boring.

**if you're still reading this - RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!

In general, I'm happy and content in my life, boring as it may be. But, here's the rub: I'm discontent in my contentedness. Although many may understand what I'm talking about, the concept seems strange to me. Here I am, good job, great kids, happy life... and it's not enough. And I have no idea how to fix it. I don't want to change a thing, but at the same time I want to change everything. Is this what a midlife crisis is?

Maybe this is what my blog is supposed to be about: my journey to finding myself, or losing myself. Not losing myself to the depths of despair, or addiction, or some such. No, nothing so dramatic as that. Just losing myself to malcontent.

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